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The Illinois Drug Enforcement Officers Association invites you to become a sponsor of the Association. As it is not always feasible to showcase your products in a conference setting, the IDEOA can provide another option for your company in the support of counter-drug law enforcement. In addition to the IDEOA training conference that is attended by more than 650 police officers from across Illinois and surrounding states, the association also provides training and drug education programs to law enforcement groups, as well as business associations and public awareness groups throughout Illinois.

As we attempt to defray the expense of these programs and therefore allow us to utilize the vast majority of our resources to address the drug problem head on, we invite you to join us as a corporate sponsor. Any and all donations received will go towards training or educational programs aimed at impacting the problem on many levels. We offer several levels of corporate sponsorship:


  • Platinum - $3,000 donations or greater

  • Gold - $1,500-$2,999 donations up to platinum

  • Silver - $750-$1,499 donations up to gold    

  • Supporter - Any donations $250 to $749* 

Check Out Our Sponsors!

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